Latvia-United states
Latvia-United states diplomatic are bilateral diplomatic between these two countries. The Latvia-United States bilateral relation was established on 28th of July in 1992. Later that same year the United State Legation was established in the capital city of Latvia Riga on 13th of November. During the war, this United States Riga established Legation served as a certain interwar region. This United States Legation also served for many years as U.S. representation for Baltics region.
Almost twenty years after establishing this Legation, the Soviet invasion forced this established to be closed on 5th of September in 1940 during the World War Two. It should be noted that even though this United States Legation is Riga Latvianrepresentation established in the United States has continued for eighty-five years. Also, the United States has never recognized the incorporation of Latvia by forcible manner into the U.S.S.R. The United States also views the current government of Latvia as independent and legal continuation republic.
These two countries also have signed various treaties regarding intellectual property prediction, mutual legal assistance, treaties on various investment trade, avoidance of double taxation and other. Since December of 1991, Latvia has enjoyed a great treatment as a most-favored nation with the United States. According to some studies form 2012, thirty percentage of Latvian citizens approve this leadership by the United States. Other thirty percent of the Latvian residents disapprove it, and around thirty-nine percentage of the citizens are uncertain on the U.S. leadership. The U.S. Embassy Official in Latvia includes public affair offices, defense attache, Ambassador, deputy chief, political and economic officer, management officer and consular officer.
The United States Diplomatic Relations with Latvia
Latvia Independence
Latvia has completely embraced the democracy since its independence in 1991. Latvia also embraced the principle of the open market especially when it comes to the relations with the United States. This has led to a huge boost for the local economy, which has specialized in few industries over the years that are particularly targeting the American market. For example the esports betting is already tremendously lucrative and in Latvia you can find game developers, betting companies, international esports events as well as gaming publishers that all target the citizens of the USA. Betting and eSports have created an interesting cluster of companies that are growing in numbers and revenue each year. These open market principles, in fact, emobodies a great potential of success for overall Europe region regarding shared vision of Europe as free and peacefully. Latvia is also a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as well as a part of the European Union. Latvia greatly used all previously gained knowledge regarding economic and political reforms in order to help others embarking on similar issues like Latvia did more than twenty years ago. Latvia greatly focuses on helping others in order f them to achieve a greater prosperity, stability, and security.
Bilateral Economic US-Latvia Relations
The United States and Latvia also have signed various treaties as mentioned previously and also Latvia participates in the different visa waiver programs that allow residents of countries that are participating in traveling without any obstacles to the United States regarding certain business plans or for tourism purposes. Residents of these countries including Latvia are allowed to stay in the United States up to ninety days without obtaining a visa.
Politics of Latvia

Latvian Saeima
According to the Satversme or Latvian Constitution, Latvia is a parliamentary republic, and real sovereign power is in residents’ hands, and these citizens are represented by Saeima or unicameral Parliament that consist of hundred members who are elected in secret, general, equal and direct proportional elections for four years.
The Latvian Saeima really represents all Latvian residents who make the Latvian law. It also ratifies different international agreements as well as appoints important public officials. Latvian Saeima is chaired by two deputy speakers and the lead speaker together with the main secretary and his deputy that other form a five-member Presidium. Presidium consisted of five members sets the agenda as well as supervises the Chancery of the Parliament. The Saeima speaker takes over duties as the Head of the State when the President is absent and cannot do so. The Latvian Saeia is located in the capital city of the country Riga.
This site is focused on delivering valuable and relevant information regarding the diplomatic relation between two countries the United States and Latvia so that you will gain a better insight into these countries interesting fact, various sports events, their bilateral diplomatic relations, history regarding both countries, and other relevant information. You will get to know both countries o more profound level. Get to know interesting fact regarding both countries, get to know key points in their history, a understaing Latvia-US relation on a more profound level, be up to date with latest news and sports events and much more. Get to know various interesting facts that you might have missed and of course be up to date with latest sports news and events especially when it comes to the hockey matches between USA and Latvia.